diff options
3 files changed, 323 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3a578b5..bd13028 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ If you are using a variable refresh rate monitor, then choose to record "screen-
For screen capture to work with PRIME (laptops with a nvidia gpu), you must set the primary GPU to use your dedicated nvidia graphics card. You can do this by selecting "NVIDIA (Performance Mode) in nvidia settings:\
and then rebooting your laptop.
-screen-direct capture has been temporary disabled as it causes issues with stuttering. This might be a nvfbc bug.
# Performance
When recording Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild at 4k, fps drops from 30 to 7 when using OBS Studio + nvenc, however when using this screen recorder the fps remains at 30.\
diff --git a/include/NvFBCLibrary.hpp b/include/NvFBCLibrary.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc7db1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/NvFBCLibrary.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../external/NvFBC.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+class NvFBCLibrary {
+ ~NvFBCLibrary() {
+ if(fbc_handle_created) {
+ memset(&destroy_capture_params, 0, sizeof(destroy_capture_params));
+ destroy_capture_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_DESTROY_CAPTURE_SESSION_PARAMS_VER;
+ nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCDestroyCaptureSession(nv_fbc_handle, &destroy_capture_params);
+ memset(&destroy_params, 0, sizeof(destroy_params));
+ destroy_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_DESTROY_HANDLE_PARAMS_VER;
+ nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCDestroyHandle(nv_fbc_handle, &destroy_params);
+ }
+ if(library)
+ dlclose(library);
+ }
+ bool load() {
+ if(library)
+ return true;
+ dlerror(); // clear
+ void *lib = dlopen("libnvidia-fbc.so.1", RTLD_LAZY);
+ if(!lib) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to load libnvidia-fbc.so.1, error: %s\n", dlerror());
+ return false;
+ }
+ nv_fbc_create_instance = (PNVFBCCREATEINSTANCE)dlsym(lib, "NvFBCCreateInstance");
+ if(!nv_fbc_create_instance) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to resolve symbol 'NvFBCCreateInstance'\n");
+ dlclose(lib);
+ return false;
+ }
+ memset(&nv_fbc_function_list, 0, sizeof(nv_fbc_function_list));
+ nv_fbc_function_list.dwVersion = NVFBC_VERSION;
+ NVFBCSTATUS status = nv_fbc_create_instance(&nv_fbc_function_list);
+ if(status != NVFBC_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to create NvFBC instance (status: %d)\n", status);
+ dlclose(lib);
+ return false;
+ }
+ library = lib;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If |display_to_capture| is "screen", then the entire x11 screen is captured (all displays).
+ bool create(const char *display_to_capture, uint32_t fps, /*out*/ uint32_t *display_width, /*out*/ uint32_t *display_height, uint32_t x = 0, uint32_t y = 0, uint32_t width = 0, uint32_t height = 0, bool direct_capture = false) {
+ if(!library || !display_to_capture || !display_width || !display_height || fbc_handle_created)
+ return false;
+ this->fps = fps;
+ const bool capture_region = (x > 0 || y > 0 || width > 0 || height > 0);
+ bool supports_direct_cursor = false;
+ int driver_major_version = 0;
+ int driver_minor_version = 0;
+ if(direct_capture && get_driver_version(&driver_major_version, &driver_minor_version)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Info: detected nvidia version: %d.%d\n", driver_major_version, driver_minor_version);
+ if(version_at_least(driver_major_version, driver_minor_version, 515, 57) && version_less_than(driver_major_version, driver_minor_version, 520, 56)) {
+ direct_capture = false;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: \"screen-direct\" has temporary been disabled as it causes stuttering with driver versions >= 515.57 and < 520.56. Please update your driver if possible. Capturing \"screen\" instead.\n");
+ }
+ // TODO:
+ // Cursor capture disabled because moving the cursor doesn't update capture rate to monitor hz and instead captures at 10-30 hz
+ /*
+ if(direct_capture) {
+ if(version_at_least(driver_major_version, driver_minor_version, 515, 57))
+ supports_direct_cursor = true;
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "Info: capturing \"screen-direct\" but driver version appears to be less than 515.57. Disabling capture of cursor. Please update your driver if you want to capture your cursor or record \"screen\" instead.\n");
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ NVFBC_TRACKING_TYPE tracking_type;
+ bool capture_session_created = false;
+ uint32_t output_id = 0;
+ fbc_handle_created = false;
+ memset(&create_params, 0, sizeof(create_params));
+ create_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_CREATE_HANDLE_PARAMS_VER;
+ status = nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCCreateHandle(&nv_fbc_handle, &create_params);
+ if(status != NVFBC_SUCCESS) {
+ // Reverse engineering for interoperability
+ const uint8_t enable_key[] = { 0xac, 0x10, 0xc9, 0x2e, 0xa5, 0xe6, 0x87, 0x4f, 0x8f, 0x4b, 0xf4, 0x61, 0xf8, 0x56, 0x27, 0xe9 };
+ create_params.privateData = enable_key;
+ create_params.privateDataSize = 16;
+ status = nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCCreateHandle(&nv_fbc_handle, &create_params);
+ if(status != NVFBC_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCGetLastErrorStr(nv_fbc_handle));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ fbc_handle_created = true;
+ NVFBC_GET_STATUS_PARAMS status_params;
+ memset(&status_params, 0, sizeof(status_params));
+ status_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_GET_STATUS_PARAMS_VER;
+ status = nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCGetStatus(nv_fbc_handle, &status_params);
+ if(status != NVFBC_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCGetLastErrorStr(nv_fbc_handle));
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ if(status_params.bCanCreateNow == NVFBC_FALSE) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: it's not possible to create a capture session on this system\n");
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ tracking_type = strcmp(display_to_capture, "screen") == 0 ? NVFBC_TRACKING_SCREEN : NVFBC_TRACKING_OUTPUT;
+ if(tracking_type == NVFBC_TRACKING_OUTPUT) {
+ if(!status_params.bXRandRAvailable) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: the xrandr extension is not available\n");
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ if(status_params.bInModeset) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: the x server is in modeset, unable to record\n");
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ output_id = get_output_id_from_display_name(status_params.outputs, status_params.dwOutputNum, display_to_capture, display_width, display_height);
+ if(output_id == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: display '%s' not found\n", display_to_capture);
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *display_width = status_params.screenSize.w;
+ *display_height = status_params.screenSize.h;
+ }
+ memset(&create_capture_params, 0, sizeof(create_capture_params));
+ create_capture_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_CREATE_CAPTURE_SESSION_PARAMS_VER;
+ create_capture_params.eCaptureType = NVFBC_CAPTURE_SHARED_CUDA;
+ create_capture_params.bWithCursor = (!direct_capture || supports_direct_cursor) ? NVFBC_TRUE : NVFBC_FALSE;
+ if(capture_region) {
+ create_capture_params.captureBox = { x, y, width, height };
+ *display_width = width;
+ *display_height = height;
+ }
+ create_capture_params.eTrackingType = tracking_type;
+ create_capture_params.dwSamplingRateMs = 1000 / (fps + 1);
+ create_capture_params.bAllowDirectCapture = direct_capture ? NVFBC_TRUE : NVFBC_FALSE;
+ create_capture_params.bPushModel = direct_capture ? NVFBC_TRUE : NVFBC_FALSE;
+ if(tracking_type == NVFBC_TRACKING_OUTPUT)
+ create_capture_params.dwOutputId = output_id;
+ status = nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCCreateCaptureSession(nv_fbc_handle, &create_capture_params);
+ if(status != NVFBC_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCGetLastErrorStr(nv_fbc_handle));
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ capture_session_created = true;
+ memset(&setup_params, 0, sizeof(setup_params));
+ setup_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_TOCUDA_SETUP_PARAMS_VER;
+ setup_params.eBufferFormat = NVFBC_BUFFER_FORMAT_BGRA;
+ status = nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCToCudaSetUp(nv_fbc_handle, &setup_params);
+ if(status != NVFBC_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCGetLastErrorStr(nv_fbc_handle));
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ return true;
+ error_cleanup:
+ if(fbc_handle_created) {
+ if(capture_session_created) {
+ memset(&destroy_capture_params, 0, sizeof(destroy_capture_params));
+ destroy_capture_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_DESTROY_CAPTURE_SESSION_PARAMS_VER;
+ nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCDestroyCaptureSession(nv_fbc_handle, &destroy_capture_params);
+ }
+ memset(&destroy_params, 0, sizeof(destroy_params));
+ destroy_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_DESTROY_HANDLE_PARAMS_VER;
+ nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCDestroyHandle(nv_fbc_handle, &destroy_params);
+ fbc_handle_created = false;
+ }
+ output_id = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool capture(/*out*/ void *cu_device_ptr, uint32_t *byte_size) {
+ if(!library || !fbc_handle_created || !cu_device_ptr || !byte_size)
+ return false;
+ memset(&frame_info, 0, sizeof(frame_info));
+ memset(&grab_params, 0, sizeof(grab_params));
+ grab_params.dwVersion = NVFBC_TOCUDA_GRAB_FRAME_PARAMS_VER;
+ grab_params.pFrameGrabInfo = &frame_info;
+ grab_params.pCUDADeviceBuffer = cu_device_ptr;
+ grab_params.dwTimeoutMs = 0;//1000 / (fps + 10);
+ status = nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCToCudaGrabFrame(nv_fbc_handle, &grab_params);
+ if(status != NVFBC_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: capture: %s\n", nv_fbc_function_list.nvFBCGetLastErrorStr(nv_fbc_handle));
+ return false;
+ }
+ *byte_size = frame_info.dwByteSize;
+ // TODO: Check bIsNewFrame
+ // TODO: Check dwWidth and dwHeight and update size in video output in ffmpeg. This can happen when xrandr is used to change monitor resolution
+ return true;
+ }
+ static char to_upper(char c) {
+ if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
+ return c - 32;
+ else
+ return c;
+ }
+ static bool strcase_equals(const char *str1, const char *str2) {
+ for(;;) {
+ char c1 = to_upper(*str1);
+ char c2 = to_upper(*str2);
+ if(c1 != c2)
+ return false;
+ if(c1 == '\0' || c2 == '\0')
+ return true;
+ ++str1;
+ ++str2;
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns 0 on failure
+ static uint32_t get_output_id_from_display_name(NVFBC_RANDR_OUTPUT_INFO *outputs, uint32_t num_outputs, const char *display_name, uint32_t *display_width, uint32_t *display_height) {
+ if(!outputs)
+ return 0;
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < num_outputs; ++i) {
+ if(strcase_equals(outputs[i].name, display_name)) {
+ *display_width = outputs[i].trackedBox.w;
+ *display_height = outputs[i].trackedBox.h;
+ return outputs[i].dwId;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // TODO: Test with optimus and open kernel modules
+ static bool get_driver_version(int *major, int *minor) {
+ *major = 0;
+ *minor = 0;
+ FILE *f = fopen("/proc/driver/nvidia/version", "rb");
+ if(!f) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: failed to get nvidia driver version (failed to read /proc/driver/nvidia/version)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ char buffer[2048];
+ size_t bytes_read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer) - 1, f);
+ buffer[bytes_read] = '\0';
+ bool success = false;
+ const char *p = strstr(buffer, "Kernel Module");
+ if(p) {
+ p += 13;
+ int driver_major_version = 0, driver_minor_version = 0;
+ if(sscanf(p, "%d.%d", &driver_major_version, &driver_minor_version) == 2) {
+ *major = driver_major_version;
+ *minor = driver_minor_version;
+ success = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!success)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: failed to get nvidia driver version\n");
+ fclose(f);
+ return success;
+ }
+ static bool version_at_least(int major, int minor, int expected_major, int expected_minor) {
+ return major > expected_major || (major == expected_major && minor >= expected_minor);
+ }
+ static bool version_less_than(int major, int minor, int expected_major, int expected_minor) {
+ return major < expected_major || (major == expected_major && minor < expected_minor);
+ }
+ void *library = nullptr;
+ PNVFBCCREATEINSTANCE nv_fbc_create_instance = nullptr;
+ NVFBC_API_FUNCTION_LIST nv_fbc_function_list;
+ NVFBC_SESSION_HANDLE nv_fbc_handle;
+ bool fbc_handle_created = false;
+ int fps = 0;
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index bde09b2..85dae18 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -808,6 +808,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
VideoCodec video_codec;
const char *codec_to_use = args["-k"].value();
+ fprintf(stderr, "Info: forcing codec to h264 to investigate stuttering with some configs\n");
+ codec_to_use = "h264";
codec_to_use = "auto";