

A rofi inspired native client for web services. Currently supported web services: youtube, peertube, lbry, soundcloud, nyaa.si, manganelo, manganelos, mangatown, mangakatana, mangadex, onimanga, 4chan, matrix, saucenao, hotexamples, anilist, dramacool and others.
QuickMedia also supports reading local manga and watching local anime, see local manga and local anime


usage: quickmedia [plugin|] [--no-video] [--upscale-images] [--upscale-images-always] [--dir <directory>] [--instance <instance>] [-e <window>] [--video-max-height <height>]
  plugin|url                   The plugin to use. Should be either launcher, 4chan, manga, manganelo, manganelos, mangatown, mangakatana, mangadex, onimanga, local-manga, local-anime, youtube, peertube, lbry, soundcloud, nyaa.si, matrix, saucenao, hotexamples, anilist, dramacool, file-manager or stdin. This can also be a youtube url, youtube channel url or a 4chan thread url
  --no-video                   Only play audio when playing a video. Disabled by default
  --upscale-images             Upscale low-resolution manga pages using waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan. Disabled by default
  --upscale-images-always      Upscale manga pages using waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan, no matter what the original image resolution is. Disabled by default
  --dir <directory>            Set the start directory when using file-manager
  --instance <instance>        The instance to use for peertube
  -e <window-id>               Embed QuickMedia into another window
  --video-max-height <height>  Media plugins will try to select a video source that is this size or smaller
  quickmedia --upscale-images-always manganelo
  quickmedia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHg91NVHh3s
  echo -e "hello\nworld" | quickmedia stdin
  tabbed -c -k quickmedia launcher -e


If you are running arch linux then you can install QuickMedia from aur: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/quickmedia-git/, otherwise you will need to first install sibs and then run ./install.sh as root.
tar and curl needs to be installed to run the install.sh script.
Installing lld (the LLVM linker) can improve compile times.
There is also an unofficial ebuild for gentoo users. On gentoo you can install QuickMedia by running these commands:

eselect repository add overlay-from-plan9 git https://git.plan9.rocks/cat/overlay-from-plan9
emerge --sync overlay-from-plan9
emerge -av quickmedia



libglvnd (LibGL.so), libx11, libxrandr, libmpv




noto-fonts (when use_system_fonts config is not set to true)


noto-fonts-cjk needs to be installed to view chinese, japanese and korean characters (when use_system_fonts config is not set to true).
yt-dlp/youtube-dl needs to be installed to download soundcloud music, fallback for youtube (for example for age restricted videos) or to play/download xxx videos.
notify-send (which is part of libnotify) needs to be installed to show notifications (on Linux and other systems that uses d-bus notification system).
automedia needs to be installed when tracking anime/manga with Ctrl + T.
waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan needs to be installed when using the --upscale-images or --upscale-images-always option.
xdg-utils which provides xdg-open needs to be installed when downloading torrents with nyaa.si plugin.
ffmpeg (and ffprobe which is included in ffmpeg) needs to be installed to display webp thumbnails, to upload videos with thumbnails on matrix or to merge video and audio when downloading youtube videos.
fc-match (which is part of fontconfig) needs to be installed when use_system_fonts config is set to true.
source-highlight needs to be installed for syntax highlighting in matrix codeblocks.
wget needs to be installed for xxx plugins.


QuickMedia does currently not support encryption in matrix. If you want encryption then you can use pantalaimon. Note that pantalaimon can be much much slower than quickmedia connecting directly to the homeserver.
Note that there might be some issues with pantalaimon that you wont have when not using pantalaimon.
It's not recommended to run QuickMedia with matrix and element on the same account at the same time as read markers behave differently in the different clients so messages wont be properly marked as read.


General control

Type text and then wait and QuickMedia will automatically search.
Enter: Go to the page in the selected item.
Esc: Go back to the previous page or close QuickMedia if there is no previous page (for all plugins except matrix).
Arrow up/Ctrl+K: Move up.
Arrow down/Ctrl+J: Move down.
Left/Ctrl+H: Move left.
Right/Ctrl+L: Move right.
Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+H/Ctrl+Shift+Tab/Alt+H: Select the tab to the left.
Ctrl+Right/Ctrl+L/Ctrl+Tab/Alt+L: Select the tab to the right.
Ctrl+1 to 9: Select the specified tab.
Home: Scroll to the top (the first item).
End: Scroll to the bottom (the last item).
Page up: Scroll up an entire page.
Page down: Scroll down an entire page.
Ctrl+Q: Close QuickMedia.
Ctrl+D: Clear the input text.
Ctrl+C: Copy the text in the selected item to your clipboard.
Ctrl+V: Paste clipboard content into the search bar.
Ctrl+I: Select which url in the selected item to open in a browser.
Tab: Set search input to the title of the selected item.
Ctrl+Enter: Submit search ignoring the selected item. Only works for matrix room directory page and matrix invites page.

Video controls

mpv controls apply in general, see https://mpv.io/manual/master/#interactive-control.
Esc/Backspace/Q: Close the video.
Ctrl+F/Double left mouse click: Toggle between fullscreen mode and window mode.
Ctrl+R: Show pages related to the video, such as comments, related videos or channel videos (if supported).
Ctrl+S: Save the video/music (with dialog).
Ctrl+Shift+S: Save the video/music (without dialog).
Ctrl+C: Copy the url of the currently playing video to the clipboard (with timestamp, if supported).
F5: Reload the video/music.
<: Go to the previous video.
>: Go to the next video.

Youtube channel controls

Ctrl+T: Subscribe/Unsubscribe from the channel.

Manga search/history/chapters page controls

Ctrl+B: Bookmark the selected manga. If the manga is already bookmarked then its removed from bookmarks.

Local manga search page controls

Ctrl+R: Mark the manga as read/unread.

Local anime search page controls

Ctrl+R: Mark the anime as watched/unwatched.

Manga page view controls

Arrow up/K: Go to the previous page (or chapter if the current page is the last one).
Arrow down/J: Go to the next page (or chapter if the current page is the first one).
Page up: Go back 10 pages.
Page down: Go forward 10 pages.
Home: Go to the first page.
End: Go to the last page.
F: Toggle between scaling the image to the window size or only down scaling if the image is too large.
I: Switch to scroll view.

Manga scroll view controls

Arrow up/K: Move up.
Arrow down/J: Move down.
Mouse scroll/Middle mouse click+Move mouse: Scroll smoothly.
Home: Go to the first page.
End: Go to the last page.
F: Toggle between scaling the image to the window size or only down scaling if the image is too large.
I: Switch to page view.

Manga chapters controls

Ctrl+T: Start tracking the manga after the selected chapter (AutoMedia needs to be installed).

NyaaSi search page controls

Ctrl+T: Start tracking the anime after the selected episode (AutoMedia needs to be installed).

NyaaSi torrent page controls

Ctrl+T: Start tracking the anime after the selected episode (AutoMedia needs to be installed).

Matrix controls

Login page controls

Tab: Switch between username, password and homeserver fields.
Enter: Login.

Chat page controls

I: Start typing a message, Esc to cancel.
R: Start replying to the selected message, Esc to cancel.
E: Edit the selected message (if it was posted by you), Esc to cancel.
Ctrl+D: Delete the selected message (if it was posted by you).
Enter: View image/video attached to the message, or if its a file then download it. Brings up a list of urls in the selected item if there are any.
Ctrl+I: Reverse image search the selected image.
Ctrl+S: Save the selected file (with dialog).
Ctrl+Shift+S: Save the selected file (without dialog).
Ctrl+V: Uploads the file specified in the clipboard.
U: Bring up the file manager and select a file to upload to the room, Esc to cancel.
Ctrl+U: Bring up the file manager and select a file to upload to the message you are replying to, Esc to cancel.
Arrow up/K: Move up.
Arrow down/J: Move down.
Alt+Up/Alt+K: Select the room above the currently selected room.
Alt+Down/Alt+J: Select the room below the currently selected room.
Alt+Home: Select the first room in the room list.
Alt+End: Select the last room in the room list.
Ctrl+P: Pin the selected message.
Ctrl+R: Navigate to the replied to message.
Ctrl+B: Navigate to the bottom (the latest message).

Pinned messages page controls

Ctrl+D: Unpin the selected message.
Ctrl+R: Navigate to the pinned message in the messages tab.

Message input controls

Esc: Stop typing (also clears the input text).
Enter: Post message.
Arrow up: Go to the previous line.
Arrow down: Go to the next line.
Left: Go to the previous character.
Right: Go to the next character.
Ctrl+Left: Go to the previous word.
Ctrl+Right: Go to the next word.
Ctrl+V: Paste clipboard content into the message input.
Ctrl+D: Clear the input text.
@: Start searching for a user to mention.
Arrow up/Ctrl+K: Move up in mentions.
Arrow down/Ctrl+J: Move down in mentions.\

4chan thread controls

Enter: Show the posts that the selected post replies to and the posts the replied to the selected post.
Backspace: Go back to the previously selected item after selecting it with Enter.
P: View image/video attached to the post. If the thread is a thread with videos, then all videos are played starting from the selected one.
I: Start typing a message, Esc to cancel.
Enter: Post message (when typing a message).
R: Add the selected post as a reply to the message.
U: Select a file to upload by selecting a file with the file manager, Esc to cancel.
Ctrl+D: Remove the selected file from the post.
Ctrl+I: Reverse image search the selected image or select an url to open in the browser.
Arrow left/right: Move captcha slider left/right.
Ctrl+S: Save the image/video attached to the selected post (with dialog).
Ctrl+S: Save the image/video attached to the selected post (without dialog).

4chan image controls

Mouse scroll: Zoom.
Left mouse button + move: Pan (move) the image.
W: Reset zoom and panning, scaling image to window size.

File save controls

Tab: Switch between navigating the file manager and file name.
Ctrl+Enter/Click on save: Save the file.
Esc/Click on cancel: Cancel download.

Matrix text commands

/help: Show a list of valid commands.
/upload: Bring up the file manager and select a file to upload to the room, Esc to cancel.
/join [room]: Join a room by name or id.
/invite: Invite a user to the room.
/logout: Logout.
/leave: Leave the current room.
/me [text]: Send a message of type "m.emote".
/react [text]: React to the selected message (also works if you are replying to a message).
/id: Show the room id.
/encrypt [text]: Send a message encrypted with gpg. gpg needs to be installed to do this. Uses the gpg key specified by the user id in your config variable "matrix.gpg_user_id".

Matrix gpg encryption

Matrix gpg email should use the matrix user id, but in email format. For example: @dec05eba:matrix.org should be created with a gpg with the email dec05eba@matrix.org.


Config is loaded from ~/.config/quickmedia/config.json if it exists. See example-config.json for an example config. All fields in the config file are optional. If you have installed quickmedia then you can copy /usr/share/quickmedia/example-config.json to ~/.config/quickmedia/config.json and use that as a base for your personal config file.
If use_system_mpv_config is set to true then your systems mpv config in ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf and plugins will be used.


Theme is loaded from ~/.config/quickmedia/themes/<theme-name>.json if it exists or from /usr/share/quickmedia/themes. Theme name is set in ~/.config/quickmedia/config.json under the variable theme.
Default themes available: default, dark, light, nord.
See default.json for an example theme.
The default theme is used by default.

Local manga

local_manga.directory needs to be set in ~/.config/quickmedia/config.json to a directory with all your manga.
The directory layout is expected to be like this:

Manga 1
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
Manga 2
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2

Note that the manga name and chapter names can be anything you want, but the image names need to be a number (with .jpg, .jpeg, or .png extension).
It's ok to use the same directory for local manga and local anime.

Local anime

local_anime.directory needs to be set in ~/.config/quickmedia/config.json to a directory with all your anime.
The directory layout is expected to be like this:

Anime 1 - Episode 1.mkv
Anime 1 - Episode 2.mkv
Anime 2
    Episode 1.mkv
    Episode 2.mkv
Anime 3
    Season 1
        Episode 1.mkv
        Episode 2.mkv
    Season 2
        Episode 1.mkv
        Episode 2.mkv

Note that the episode names can be anything you want.
Local anime always uses your system mpv config.
It's ok to use the same directory for local manga and local anime.

Environment variables

If xdg-open is not installed then the BROWSER environment variable is used to open links in a browser.
Set QM_PHONE_FACTOR=1 to disable the room list side panel in matrix.

UI scaling

Set GDK_SCALE environment variable or add Xft.dpi to $HOME/.Xresources. For example a value of 96 for the Xft.dpi means 1.0 scaling and 144 (96*1.5) means 1.5 scaling.
Note that at the moment, images do also not scale above their original size.
Scaling can also be set in ~/.config/quickmedia/config.json, which will override GDK_SCALE and $HOME/.Xresources Xft.dpi.


Config data, including manga progress is stored under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/quickmedia or ~/.config/quickmedia.
Cache is stored under $XDG_CACHE_HOME/quickmedia or ~/.cache/quickmedia.


tabbed can be used to put quickmedia windows into tabs. After installing tabbed, run tabbed -c -k quickmedia launcher -e.


QuickMedia is free software licensed under GPL 3.0, see LICENSE for more details. The emojis are from the twemoji project, licensed under Creative Commons Public License 4.0 (see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/twitter/twemoji/v14.0.2/LICENSE-GRAPHICS). The file and directory images are from https://github.com/L4ki/Breeze-Chameleon-Icons and are licensed under GPL 3.0.
src/plugins/utils/aes.* are from https://github.com/kokke/tiny-AES-c which are licensed under the Unlicence license.


Youtube search

Youtube video

Youtube comments

Manganelo search

Manganelo chapters

Manganelo page

4chan thread

Matrix chat