path: root/src/Manganelo.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Manganelo.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/src/Manganelo.cpp b/src/Manganelo.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d3929e..0000000
--- a/src/Manganelo.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#include "../plugins/Manganelo.hpp"
-#include <quickmedia/HtmlSearch.h>
-#include <json/reader.h>
-namespace QuickMedia {
- SearchResult Manganelo::search(const std::string &text, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BodyItem>> &result_items) {
- std::string url = "https://manganelo.com/search/";
- url += url_param_encode(text);
- std::string website_data;
- if(download_to_string(url, website_data) != DownloadResult::OK)
- return SearchResult::NET_ERR;
- struct ItemData {
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BodyItem>> &result_items;
- size_t item_index;
- };
- ItemData item_data = { result_items, 0 };
- QuickMediaHtmlSearch html_search;
- int result = quickmedia_html_search_init(&html_search, website_data.c_str());
- if(result != 0)
- goto cleanup;
- result = quickmedia_html_find_nodes_xpath(&html_search, "//h3[class=\"story_name\"]/a",
- [](QuickMediaHtmlNode *node, void *userdata) {
- ItemData *item_data = (ItemData*)userdata;
- const char *href = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "href");
- const char *text = quickmedia_html_node_get_text(node);
- if(href && text) {
- auto item = std::make_unique<BodyItem>(text);
- item->url = href;
- item_data->result_items.push_back(std::move(item));
- }
- }, &item_data);
- if (result != 0)
- goto cleanup;
- result = quickmedia_html_find_nodes_xpath(&html_search, "//div[class=\"story_item\"]//img",
- [](QuickMediaHtmlNode *node, void *userdata) {
- ItemData *item_data = (ItemData*)userdata;
- const char *src = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "src");
- if(src && item_data->item_index < item_data->result_items.size()) {
- item_data->result_items[item_data->item_index]->thumbnail_url = src;
- ++item_data->item_index;
- }
- }, &item_data);
- cleanup:
- quickmedia_html_search_deinit(&html_search);
- return result == 0 ? SearchResult::OK : SearchResult::ERR;
- }
- // Returns true if changed
- static bool remove_html_span(std::string &str) {
- size_t open_tag_start = str.find("<span");
- if(open_tag_start == std::string::npos)
- return false;
- size_t open_tag_end = str.find('>', open_tag_start + 5);
- if(open_tag_end == std::string::npos)
- return false;
- str.erase(open_tag_start, open_tag_end - open_tag_start + 1);
- size_t close_tag = str.find("</span>");
- if(close_tag == std::string::npos)
- return true;
- str.erase(close_tag, 7);
- return true;
- }
- SuggestionResult Manganelo::update_search_suggestions(const std::string &text, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BodyItem>> &result_items) {
- std::string url = "https://manganelo.com/home_json_search";
- std::string search_term = "searchword=";
- search_term += url_param_encode(text);
- CommandArg data_arg = { "--data", std::move(search_term) };
- std::string server_response;
- if(download_to_string(url, server_response, {data_arg}) != DownloadResult::OK)
- return SuggestionResult::NET_ERR;
- if(server_response.empty())
- return SuggestionResult::OK;
- Json::Value json_root;
- Json::CharReaderBuilder json_builder;
- std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> json_reader(json_builder.newCharReader());
- std::string json_errors;
- if(json_reader->parse(&server_response.front(), &server_response.back(), &json_root, &json_errors)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Manganelo suggestions json error: %s\n", json_errors.c_str());
- return SuggestionResult::ERR;
- }
- if(json_root.isArray()) {
- for(const Json::Value &child : json_root) {
- if(child.isObject()) {
- Json::Value name = child.get("name", "");
- if(name.isString() && name.asCString()[0] != '\0') {
- std::string name_str = name.asString();
- while(remove_html_span(name_str)) {}
- if(name_str != text) {
- auto item = std::make_unique<BodyItem>(name_str);
- result_items.push_back(std::move(item));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return SuggestionResult::OK;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file