path: root/src/QuickMedia.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/QuickMedia.cpp')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/QuickMedia.cpp b/src/QuickMedia.cpp
index 051fdc7..b464956 100644
--- a/src/QuickMedia.cpp
+++ b/src/QuickMedia.cpp
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
- search_bar = std::make_unique<SearchBar>(font, plugin_logo, search_placeholder);
+ search_bar = std::make_unique<SearchBar>(font, &plugin_logo, search_placeholder);
search_bar->text_autosearch_delay = current_plugin->get_search_delay();
while(window.isOpen()) {
@@ -421,8 +421,9 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
} else if(handle_searchbar && event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered) {
+ } else if(handle_searchbar) {
+ search_bar->on_event(event);
- search_bar->on_event(event);
static std::string base64_encode(const std::string &data) {
@@ -471,7 +472,8 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
enum class SearchSuggestionTab {
// Returns relative time as a string (approximation)
@@ -734,10 +736,30 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
body_size = sf::Vector2f(body_width, window_size.y - body_padding_vertical - related_videos_text_height);
+ class LoginTab {
+ public:
+ LoginTab(sf::Font &font) :
+ username(std::make_unique<SearchBar>(font, nullptr, "Token...")),
+ password(std::make_unique<SearchBar>(font, nullptr, "PIN...", true))
+ {
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<SearchBar> username;
+ std::unique_ptr<SearchBar> password;
+ };
+ struct Tab {
+ Body *body;
+ std::unique_ptr<LoginTab> login_tab;
+ SearchSuggestionTab tab;
+ sf::Text *text;
+ };
void Program::search_suggestion_page() {
std::string update_search_text;
bool search_running = false;
bool typing = false;
+ bool is_fourchan = current_plugin->name == "4chan";
std::string autocomplete_text;
bool autocomplete_running = false;
@@ -747,6 +769,8 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
sf::Text all_tab_text("All", font, tab_text_size);
sf::Text history_tab_text("History", font, tab_text_size);
sf::Text recommended_tab_text("Recommended", font, tab_text_size);
+ sf::Text login_tab_text("Login", font, tab_text_size);
+ SearchBar *focused_login_input = nullptr;
if(current_plugin->name == "youtube") {
recommended_body = std::make_unique<Body>(this, &font, &bold_font);
@@ -754,17 +778,48 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
fill_recommended_items_from_json(load_recommended_json(current_plugin), recommended_body->items);
- struct Tab {
- Body *body;
- SearchSuggestionTab tab;
- sf::Text *text;
+ std::vector<Tab> tabs;
+ int selected_tab = 0;
+ auto login_submit_callback = [this, &tabs, &selected_tab](const std::string &text) -> bool {
+ if(!tabs[selected_tab].body) {
+ std::string username = tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->username->get_text();
+ std::string password = tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->password->get_text();
+ if(current_plugin->name == "4chan") {
+ std::string response_msg;
+ PluginResult result = static_cast<Fourchan*>(current_plugin)->login(username, password, response_msg);
+ if(result == PluginResult::NET_ERR) {
+ show_notification("4chan", "Login failed!", Urgency::CRITICAL);
+ } else if(result == PluginResult::ERR) {
+ std::string desc = "Login failed, reason: ";
+ if(response_msg.empty())
+ desc += "Unknown";
+ else
+ desc += response_msg;
+ show_notification("4chan", desc, Urgency::CRITICAL);
+ } else if(result == PluginResult::OK) {
+ show_notification("4chan", "Successfully logged in!", Urgency::LOW);
+ selected_tab = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
- std::vector<Tab> tabs = { Tab{body, SearchSuggestionTab::ALL, &all_tab_text}, Tab{&history_body, SearchSuggestionTab::HISTORY, &history_tab_text} };
+ tabs.push_back(Tab{body, nullptr, SearchSuggestionTab::ALL, &all_tab_text});
+ tabs.push_back(Tab{&history_body, nullptr, SearchSuggestionTab::HISTORY, &history_tab_text});
- tabs.push_back(Tab{recommended_body.get(), SearchSuggestionTab::RECOMMENDED, &recommended_tab_text});
+ tabs.push_back(Tab{recommended_body.get(), nullptr, SearchSuggestionTab::RECOMMENDED, &recommended_tab_text});
+ if(is_fourchan) {
+ tabs.push_back(Tab{nullptr, std::make_unique<LoginTab>(font), SearchSuggestionTab::LOGIN, &login_tab_text});
+ focused_login_input = tabs.back().login_tab->username.get();
- int selected_tab = 0;
+ tabs.back().login_tab->username->caret_visible = true;
+ tabs.back().login_tab->password->caret_visible = false;
+ tabs.back().login_tab->username->onTextSubmitCallback = login_submit_callback;
+ tabs.back().login_tab->password->onTextSubmitCallback = login_submit_callback;
+ }
plugin_get_watch_history(current_plugin, history_body.items);
if(current_plugin->name == "youtube")
@@ -878,14 +933,14 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
//int fps = 0;
while (current_page == Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION) {
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
- base_event_handler(event, Page::EXIT, false);
+ base_event_handler(event, Page::EXIT, false, true, tabs[selected_tab].body != nullptr);
if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized || event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus)
redraw = true;
else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) {
if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up) {
- tabs[selected_tab].body->select_previous_item();
+ if(tabs[selected_tab].body ) tabs[selected_tab].body->select_previous_item();
} else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down) {
- tabs[selected_tab].body->select_next_item();
+ if(tabs[selected_tab].body) tabs[selected_tab].body->select_next_item();
} else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) {
current_page = Page::EXIT;
exit_code = 1;
@@ -896,7 +951,22 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
selected_tab = std::min((int)tabs.size() - 1, selected_tab + 1);
} else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Tab) {
- search_bar->set_to_autocomplete();
+ if(tabs[selected_tab].body) search_bar->set_to_autocomplete();
+ }
+ }
+ if(!tabs[selected_tab].body) {
+ if(event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered)
+ focused_login_input->onTextEntered(event.text.unicode);
+ focused_login_input->on_event(event);
+ if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Tab) {
+ focused_login_input->caret_visible = false;
+ if(focused_login_input == tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->username.get())
+ focused_login_input = tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->password.get();
+ else
+ focused_login_input = tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->username.get();
+ focused_login_input->caret_visible = true;
@@ -907,7 +977,8 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
get_body_dimensions(window_size, search_bar.get(), body_pos, body_size, true);
- search_bar->update();
+ if(tabs[selected_tab].body)
+ search_bar->update();
if(!update_search_text.empty() && !search_running) {
search_suggestion_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, update_search_text]() {
@@ -959,10 +1030,19 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
const float width_per_tab = window_size.x / tabs.size();
- const float tab_y = tab_spacer_height + std::floor(search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow() + tab_height * 0.5f - (tab_text_size + 5.0f) * 0.5f);
sf::RectangleShape tab_background(sf::Vector2f(std::floor(width_per_tab), tab_height));
- tabs[selected_tab].body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size);
+ float tab_vertical_offset = search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow();
+ if(tabs[selected_tab].body) {
+ tabs[selected_tab].body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size);
+ } else {
+ tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->username->draw(window, false);
+ tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->password->draw(window, false);
+ tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->password->set_vertical_position(tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->username->getBottomWithoutShadow());
+ tab_vertical_offset = tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->username->getBottomWithoutShadow() + tabs[selected_tab].login_tab->password->getBottomWithoutShadow();
+ }
+ const float tab_y = tab_spacer_height + std::floor(tab_vertical_offset + tab_height * 0.5f - (tab_text_size + 5.0f) * 0.5f);
int i = 0;
for(Tab &tab : tabs) {
if(i == selected_tab) {
@@ -970,7 +1050,7 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
} else {
- tab_background.setPosition(std::floor(i * width_per_tab), tab_spacer_height + std::floor(search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow()));
+ tab_background.setPosition(std::floor(i * width_per_tab), tab_spacer_height + std::floor(tab_vertical_offset));
const float center = (i * width_per_tab) + (width_per_tab * 0.5f);
tab.text->setPosition(std::floor(center - tab.text->getLocalBounds().width * 0.5f), tab_y);
@@ -979,10 +1059,11 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
tab_drop_shadow.setSize(sf::Vector2f(window_size.x, 5.0f));
- tab_drop_shadow.setPosition(0.0f, std::floor(search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow() + tab_height));
+ tab_drop_shadow.setPosition(0.0f, std::floor(tab_vertical_offset + tab_height));
- search_bar->draw(window, false);
+ if(tabs[selected_tab].body)
+ search_bar->draw(window, false);
// fps++;
// if(tt.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() >= 1000) {
@@ -2251,7 +2332,7 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
// Instead of using search bar to searching, use it for commenting.
// TODO: Have an option for the search bar to be multi-line.
search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = nullptr;
- search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [&post_comment_future, &navigation_stage, &request_new_google_captcha_challenge, &comment_to_post, &captcha_post_id, &captcha_solved_time, &post_comment](const std::string &text) -> bool {
+ search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [&post_comment_future, &navigation_stage, &request_new_google_captcha_challenge, &comment_to_post, &captcha_post_id, &captcha_solved_time, &post_comment, &image_board](const std::string &text) -> bool {
return false;
@@ -2262,8 +2343,13 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
return true;
- } else {
+ } else if(image_board->get_pass_id().empty()) {
+ } else if(!image_board->get_pass_id().empty()) {
+ post_comment_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [&post_comment]() -> bool {
+ post_comment();
+ return true;
+ });
return true;