path: root/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/Youtube.cpp')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp b/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp
index 79eb3d5..4df1358 100644
--- a/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp
@@ -101,6 +101,170 @@ R"END(
return false;
+ static std::mutex cookies_mutex;
+ static std::string cookies_filepath;
+ static std::string api_key;
+ static bool is_whitespace(char c) {
+ return (c >= 8 && c <= 13) || c == ' ';
+ }
+ // TODO: Cache this and redownload it when a network request fails with this api key? Do that in the same place as the signature, which means it would be done asynchronously
+ static std::string youtube_page_find_api_key() {
+ size_t api_key_index;
+ size_t api_key_index_end;
+ size_t api_key_length;
+ std::string website_result;
+ std::string::iterator api_key_start;
+ if(download_to_string("https://www.youtube.com/?gl=US&hl=en", website_result, {}, true) != DownloadResult::OK)
+ goto fallback;
+ api_key_index = website_result.find("INNERTUBE_API_KEY");
+ if(api_key_index == std::string::npos)
+ goto fallback;
+ api_key_index += 17;
+ api_key_start = std::find_if(website_result.begin() + api_key_index, website_result.end(), [](char c) {
+ return c != '"' && c != ':' && !is_whitespace(c);
+ });
+ if(api_key_start == website_result.end())
+ goto fallback;
+ api_key_index = api_key_start - website_result.begin();
+ api_key_index_end = website_result.find('"', api_key_index);
+ if(api_key_index_end == std::string::npos)
+ goto fallback;
+ api_key_length = api_key_index_end - api_key_index;
+ if(api_key_length > 512) // sanity check
+ goto fallback;
+ return website_result.substr(api_key_index, api_key_length);
+ fallback:
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fetch youtube api key, fallback to %s\n", api_key.c_str());
+ return "AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8";
+ }
+ static std::string cpn;
+ static bool generate_random_characters(char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *alphabet, size_t alphabet_size) {
+ int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
+ if(fd == -1) {
+ perror("/dev/urandom");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(read(fd, buffer, buffer_size) < buffer_size) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read %d bytes from /dev/urandom\n", buffer_size);
+ close(fd);
+ return false;
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < buffer_size; ++i) {
+ unsigned char c = *(unsigned char*)&buffer[i];
+ buffer[i] = alphabet[c % alphabet_size];
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ return true;
+ }
+ static std::vector<CommandArg> get_cookies() {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cookies_mutex);
+ if(cookies_filepath.empty()) {
+ YoutubeSignatureDecryptor::get_instance();
+ cpn.resize(16);
+ generate_random_characters(cpn.data(), cpn.size(), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_", 64);
+ Path cookies_filepath_p;
+ if(get_cookies_filepath(cookies_filepath_p, "youtube") != 0) {
+ show_notification("QuickMedia", "Failed to create youtube cookies file", Urgency::CRITICAL);
+ return {};
+ }
+ // TODO: Re-enable this if the api key ever changes in the future.
+ // Maybe also put signature decryption in the same request? since it requests the same page.
+ #if 0
+ //api_key = youtube_page_find_api_key();
+ #else
+ api_key = "AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8";
+ #endif
+ if(get_file_type(cookies_filepath_p) == FileType::REGULAR) {
+ cookies_filepath = cookies_filepath_p.data;
+ } else {
+ Path cookies_filepath_tmp = cookies_filepath_p;
+ cookies_filepath_tmp.append(".tmp");
+ // TODO: This response also contains INNERTUBE_API_KEY which is the api key above. Maybe that should be parsed?
+ // TODO: Is there any way to bypass this? this is needed to set VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE which is required to read comments
+ const char *args[] = { "curl", "-I", "-s", "-f", "-L", "-b", cookies_filepath_tmp.data.c_str(), "-c", cookies_filepath_tmp.data.c_str(), "https://www.youtube.com/embed/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw&gl=US&hl=en", nullptr };
+ if(exec_program(args, nullptr, nullptr) == 0) {
+ rename_atomic(cookies_filepath_tmp.data.c_str(), cookies_filepath_p.data.c_str());
+ cookies_filepath = cookies_filepath_p.data;
+ } else {
+ show_notification("QuickMedia", "Failed to fetch cookies to view youtube comments", Urgency::CRITICAL);
+ return {};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ CommandArg{ "-b", cookies_filepath },
+ CommandArg{ "-c", cookies_filepath }
+ };
+ }
+ // Sometimes youtube returns a redirect url (not in the header but in the body...).
+ // TODO: Find why this happens and if there is a way bypass it.
+ static std::string get_playback_url_recursive(std::string playback_url) {
+ std::vector<CommandArg> additional_args = get_cookies();
+ additional_args.push_back({ "-r", "0-4096" });
+ const int max_redirects = 5;
+ for(int i = 0; i < max_redirects; ++i) {
+ std::string response_body;
+ std::string response_headers;
+ download_to_string(playback_url, response_body, additional_args, true, true, &response_headers, 4096);
+ std::string content_type = header_extract_value(response_headers, "content-type");
+ if(content_type.empty()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find content-type in youtube video header. Trying to play the video anyways\n");
+ return playback_url;
+ }
+ if(string_starts_with(content_type, "video") || string_starts_with(content_type, "audio"))
+ return playback_url;
+ if(response_body.empty()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to redirect youtube video. Trying to play the video anyways\n");
+ return playback_url;
+ }
+ playback_url = std::move(response_body);
+ }
+ return playback_url;
+ }
+ void youtube_custom_redirect(std::string &video_url, std::string &audio_url) {
+ // TODO: Do this without threads
+ AsyncTask<std::string> tasks[2];
+ if(!video_url.empty())
+ tasks[0] = AsyncTask<std::string>([video_url]() { return get_playback_url_recursive(std::move(video_url)); });
+ if(!audio_url.empty())
+ tasks[1] = AsyncTask<std::string>([audio_url]() { return get_playback_url_recursive(std::move(audio_url)); });
+ std::string *strings[2] = { &video_url, &audio_url };
+ for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ if(tasks[i].valid())
+ *strings[i] = tasks[i].get();
+ }
+ }
// This is a common setup of text in the youtube json
static std::optional<std::string> yt_json_get_text(const Json::Value &json, const char *root_name) {
@@ -427,131 +591,6 @@ R"END(
- static std::mutex cookies_mutex;
- static std::string cookies_filepath;
- static std::string api_key;
- static bool is_whitespace(char c) {
- return (c >= 8 && c <= 13) || c == ' ';
- }
- // TODO: Cache this and redownload it when a network request fails with this api key? Do that in the same place as the signature, which means it would be done asynchronously
- static std::string youtube_page_find_api_key() {
- size_t api_key_index;
- size_t api_key_index_end;
- size_t api_key_length;
- std::string website_result;
- std::string::iterator api_key_start;
- if(download_to_string("https://www.youtube.com/?gl=US&hl=en", website_result, {}, true) != DownloadResult::OK)
- goto fallback;
- api_key_index = website_result.find("INNERTUBE_API_KEY");
- if(api_key_index == std::string::npos)
- goto fallback;
- api_key_index += 17;
- api_key_start = std::find_if(website_result.begin() + api_key_index, website_result.end(), [](char c) {
- return c != '"' && c != ':' && !is_whitespace(c);
- });
- if(api_key_start == website_result.end())
- goto fallback;
- api_key_index = api_key_start - website_result.begin();
- api_key_index_end = website_result.find('"', api_key_index);
- if(api_key_index_end == std::string::npos)
- goto fallback;
- api_key_length = api_key_index_end - api_key_index;
- if(api_key_length > 512) // sanity check
- goto fallback;
- return website_result.substr(api_key_index, api_key_length);
- fallback:
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fetch youtube api key, fallback to %s\n", api_key.c_str());
- return "AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8";
- }
- static std::string cpn;
- static bool generate_random_characters(char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *alphabet, size_t alphabet_size) {
- int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- if(fd == -1) {
- perror("/dev/urandom");
- return false;
- }
- if(read(fd, buffer, buffer_size) < buffer_size) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read %d bytes from /dev/urandom\n", buffer_size);
- close(fd);
- return false;
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < buffer_size; ++i) {
- unsigned char c = *(unsigned char*)&buffer[i];
- buffer[i] = alphabet[c % alphabet_size];
- }
- close(fd);
- return true;
- }
- static std::vector<CommandArg> get_cookies() {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cookies_mutex);
- if(cookies_filepath.empty()) {
- YoutubeSignatureDecryptor::get_instance();
- cpn.resize(16);
- generate_random_characters(cpn.data(), cpn.size(), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_", 64);
- Path cookies_filepath_p;
- if(get_cookies_filepath(cookies_filepath_p, "youtube") != 0) {
- show_notification("QuickMedia", "Failed to create youtube cookies file", Urgency::CRITICAL);
- return {};
- }
- // TODO: Re-enable this if the api key ever changes in the future.
- // Maybe also put signature decryption in the same request? since it requests the same page.
- #if 0
- //api_key = youtube_page_find_api_key();
- #else
- api_key = "AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8";
- #endif
- if(get_file_type(cookies_filepath_p) == FileType::REGULAR) {
- cookies_filepath = cookies_filepath_p.data;
- } else {
- Path cookies_filepath_tmp = cookies_filepath_p;
- cookies_filepath_tmp.append(".tmp");
- // TODO: This response also contains INNERTUBE_API_KEY which is the api key above. Maybe that should be parsed?
- // TODO: Is there any way to bypass this? this is needed to set VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE which is required to read comments
- const char *args[] = { "curl", "-I", "-s", "-f", "-L", "-b", cookies_filepath_tmp.data.c_str(), "-c", cookies_filepath_tmp.data.c_str(), "https://www.youtube.com/embed/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw&gl=US&hl=en", nullptr };
- if(exec_program(args, nullptr, nullptr) == 0) {
- rename_atomic(cookies_filepath_tmp.data.c_str(), cookies_filepath_p.data.c_str());
- cookies_filepath = cookies_filepath_p.data;
- } else {
- show_notification("QuickMedia", "Failed to fetch cookies to view youtube comments", Urgency::CRITICAL);
- return {};
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- CommandArg{ "-b", cookies_filepath },
- CommandArg{ "-c", cookies_filepath }
- };
- }
- static std::string remove_index_from_playlist_url(const std::string &url) {
- std::string result = url;
- size_t index = result.rfind("&index=");
- if(index == std::string::npos)
- return result;
- return result.substr(0, index);
- }
static std::shared_ptr<BodyItem> parse_compact_video_renderer_json(const Json::Value &item_json, std::unordered_set<std::string> &added_videos) {
const Json::Value &compact_video_renderer_json = item_json["compactVideoRenderer"];
@@ -1982,34 +2021,6 @@ R"END(
return nullptr;
- // Sometimes youtube returns a redirect url (not in the header but in the body...).
- // TODO: Find why this happens and if there is a way bypass it.
- // Or maybe move this logic to QuickMedia video_content_page when mpv fails to start up (mpv will exit with exit code 2 and the message "Failed to recognize file format." when this happens).
- // But that might be too slow for pinephone.
- static std::string get_playback_url_recursive(std::string playback_url) {
- const int max_redirects = 5;
- for(int i = 0; i < max_redirects; ++i) {
- std::string response_headers;
- if(download_head_to_string(playback_url, response_headers, true) != DownloadResult::OK)
- return "";
- std::string content_type = header_extract_value(response_headers, "content-type");
- if(content_type.empty())
- return "";
- if(string_starts_with(content_type, "video") || string_starts_with(content_type, "audio"))
- return playback_url;
- // TODO: Download head and body in one request
- std::string new_url;
- if(download_to_string(playback_url, new_url, {}, true) != DownloadResult::OK)
- return "";
- playback_url = std::move(new_url);
- }
- return playback_url;
- }
std::string YoutubeVideoPage::get_video_url(int max_height, bool &has_embedded_audio) {
if(!hls_manifest_url.empty()) {
has_embedded_audio = true;
@@ -2036,7 +2047,7 @@ R"END(
has_embedded_audio = chosen_video_format->has_embedded_audio;
- return get_playback_url_recursive(chosen_video_format->base.url);
+ return chosen_video_format->base.url;
std::string YoutubeVideoPage::get_audio_url() {
@@ -2046,7 +2057,7 @@ R"END(
// TODO: The "worst" (but still good) quality audio is chosen right now because youtube seeking freezes for up to 15 seconds when choosing the best quality
const YoutubeAudioFormat *chosen_audio_format = &audio_formats.back();
fprintf(stderr, "Choosing youtube audio format: bitrate: %d, mime type: %s\n", chosen_audio_format->base.bitrate, chosen_audio_format->base.mime_type.c_str());
- return get_playback_url_recursive(chosen_audio_format->base.url);
+ return chosen_audio_format->base.url;
// Returns -1 if timestamp is in an invalid format
@@ -2089,17 +2100,7 @@ R"END(
return result;
- PluginResult YoutubeVideoPage::load(std::string &title, std::string &channel_url, std::vector<MediaChapter> &chapters) {
- hls_manifest_url.clear();
- video_formats.clear();
- audio_formats.clear();
- std::string video_id;
- if(!youtube_url_extract_id(url, video_id)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to extract youtube id from %s\n", url.c_str());
- return PluginResult::ERR;
- }
+ PluginResult YoutubeVideoPage::get_video_info(const std::string &video_id, Json::Value &json_root) {
std::vector<CommandArg> additional_args = get_cookies();
std::string response;
@@ -2109,7 +2110,6 @@ R"END(
std::string player_response_param = url_extract_param(response, "player_response");
player_response_param = url_param_decode(player_response_param);
- Json::Value json_root;
Json::CharReaderBuilder json_builder;
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> json_reader(json_builder.newCharReader());
std::string json_errors;
@@ -2118,27 +2118,83 @@ R"END(
return PluginResult::ERR;
+ return PluginResult::OK;
+ }
+ PluginResult YoutubeVideoPage::load(std::string &title, std::string &channel_url, std::vector<MediaChapter> &chapters) {
+ hls_manifest_url.clear();
+ video_formats.clear();
+ audio_formats.clear();
+ std::string video_id;
+ if(!youtube_url_extract_id(url, video_id)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to extract youtube id from %s\n", url.c_str());
+ return PluginResult::ERR;
+ }
+ #if 0
+ std::string request_data = key_api_request_data;
+ string_replace_all(request_data, "%VIDEO_ID%", video_id);
+ std::vector<CommandArg> additional_args = {
+ { "-H", "Content-Type: application/json" },
+ { "-H", "x-youtube-client-name: 1" },
+ { "-H", youtube_client_version },
+ { "--data-raw", std::move(request_data) }
+ };
+ std::vector<CommandArg> cookies = get_cookies();
+ additional_args.insert(additional_args.end(), cookies.begin(), cookies.end());
+ Json::Value json_root;
+ DownloadResult download_result = download_json(json_root, "https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/player?key=" + api_key + "&gl=US&hl=en", additional_args, true);
+ if(download_result != DownloadResult::OK) return download_result_to_plugin_result(download_result);
return PluginResult::ERR;
- const Json::Value &streaming_data_json = json_root["streamingData"];
- if(!streaming_data_json.isObject()) {
+ const Json::Value *streaming_data_json = &json_root["streamingData"];
+ if(!streaming_data_json->isObject()) {
const Json::Value &playability_status_json = json_root["playabilityStatus"];
if(playability_status_json.isObject()) {
const Json::Value &status_json = playability_status_json["status"];
const Json::Value &reason_json = playability_status_json["reason"];
- if(status_json.isString())
- fprintf(stderr, "Youtube video loading failed, reason: (status: %s, reason: %s)\n", status_json.asCString(), reason_json.isString() ? reason_json.asCString() : "unknown");
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: youtube video loading failed, reason: (status: %s, reason: %s), trying with get_video_info endpoint instead\n", status_json.isString() ? status_json.asCString() : "unknown", reason_json.isString() ? reason_json.asCString() : "unknown");
+ json_root = Json::Value(Json::nullValue);
+ PluginResult result = get_video_info(video_id, json_root);
+ if(result != PluginResult::OK)
+ return result;
+ if(!json_root.isObject())
+ return PluginResult::ERR;
+ streaming_data_json = &json_root["streamingData"];
+ if(!streaming_data_json->isObject())
+ return PluginResult::ERR;
return PluginResult::ERR;
+ #else
+ Json::Value json_root;
+ PluginResult result = get_video_info(video_id, json_root);
+ if(result != PluginResult::OK)
+ return result;
+ if(!json_root.isObject())
+ return PluginResult::ERR;
+ const Json::Value *streaming_data_json = &json_root["streamingData"];
+ if(!streaming_data_json->isObject())
+ return PluginResult::ERR;
+ #endif
// TODO: Verify if this always works (what about copyrighted live streams?), also what about choosing video quality for live stream? Maybe use mpv --hls-bitrate option?
- const Json::Value &hls_manifest_url_json = streaming_data_json["hlsManifestUrl"];
+ const Json::Value &hls_manifest_url_json = (*streaming_data_json)["hlsManifestUrl"];
if(hls_manifest_url_json.isString()) {
hls_manifest_url = hls_manifest_url_json.asString();
} else {
- parse_formats(streaming_data_json);
+ parse_formats(*streaming_data_json);
if(video_formats.empty() && audio_formats.empty())
return PluginResult::ERR;