path: root/src/AsyncImageLoader.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
8 daysConvert to meson projectdec05eba
2024-08-06Manga: convert webp images to png to make them viewabledec05eba
2024-01-08Kill childrendec05eba
2024-01-08waitpid after killdec05eba
2023-12-04Support bmp and avifdec05eba
2023-08-17Error if thumbnail resize failsdec05eba
2023-06-30Dont show spinning circle when thumbnail failed to loaddec05eba
2022-12-17Only unload the exact thumbnail that is not visible on the screendec05eba
2022-12-16Revert back to non resized url for image thumbnail hashdec05eba
2022-12-16Fix bug where image are not removed from loading when not visibledec05eba
2022-11-08Fix emoji drawn outside border when max lines set, username autocomplete care...dec05eba
2022-10-29Matrix: add media reply with ctrl+udec05eba
2022-09-08Remove linux specific sendfile function (unused)dec05eba
2022-07-01Mangatown: use referer header for thumbnails to fix permission issuedec05eba
2022-03-04Do not call ffprobe for thumbnails unless its guaranteed to be a local video ...dec05eba
2022-02-18Faster image loading/thumbnail creation by using multiple threadsdec05eba
2022-02-17Add local anime tracking. Check readme for more info about local_anime configdec05eba
2022-02-17Wip: fix video duration not working for some analyzed files, get frame in mid...dec05eba
2022-02-11Add local-manga plugin to read local mangadec05eba
2022-02-07Use one struct for all args in Page::submit instead of multiple args (easier ...dec05eba
2021-11-19Revert back to loading thumbnails with multiple threads instead of loading th...dec05eba
2021-11-17Replace sfml with mgldec05eba
2021-11-17Limit image loading to one thread in async image loaderdec05eba
2021-10-27Stop download of thumbnail if the thumbnail is no longer visible on the screendec05eba
2021-10-15Remove dependency on xrdb for Xft.dpidec05eba
2021-10-14Remove async image loader threads and instead check if the curl download proc...dec05eba
2021-08-08Matrix: fix thumbnail upload of small thumbnails, fix small thumbnail creatio...dec05eba
2021-07-17Youtube: remove dependency on youtube-dl for downloads (also fixes downloads ...dec05eba
2021-07-11Remove dependency on imagemagick. Use stb resize to downscale image.dec05eba
2021-06-11Remove dependency on youtube-dl for streaming youtube, resulting in faster vi...dec05eba
2021-06-08Remove images that are not visible from the loading queue, prepare for inline...dec05eba
2021-05-14Move thumbnail loading/unloading to AsyncImageLoaderdec05eba
2021-04-30Remove temporary file created for .webp thumbnailsdec05eba
2021-04-30Support webp thumbnailsdec05eba
2021-04-20Proper atomic rename? also do not generate mipmap for mangadec05eba
2021-04-02FileManager: show video thumbnails, update thumbnail if name is the same but ...dec05eba
2021-03-30Remove tor option. Use torsocks instead (which is what quickmedia did anyways)dec05eba
2021-03-28Use imagemagick to create thumbnails instead of doing it ourselves. Better re...dec05eba
2021-03-20More work on touch (behind QM_ENABLE_TOUCH=1 environment variable), save thum...dec05eba
2020-11-24Make async image loader static to reduce number of process threads when using...dec05eba
2020-11-03Matrix: sync with filter, lazy member fetch (reducing sync time from 35 sec w...dec05eba
2020-10-29Matrix: add room tagsdec05eba
2020-10-21Workaround sfml image loading thread race conditiondec05eba
2020-10-21Use correct size for thumbnail creationdec05eba
2020-10-19Fix threading crash (assigning to a new thread before the thread has died), c...dec05eba
2020-10-19Load thumbnails with multiple threads, use sha256 for saving image to path in...dec05eba
2020-10-19Change thumbnail creation from nearest neighbor to linear interpolation, set ...dec05eba
2020-10-18Fix potential crash in thumbnail loader: 2dec05eba
2020-10-18Fix potential crash in thumbnail loaderdec05eba
2020-10-17Matrix: make displayname more bright, add circle mask shader for avatar and r...dec05eba