diff options
2 files changed, 86 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 49a41eb..ddf11f5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -23,50 +23,90 @@ EXAMPLES:
## Installation
If you are running arch linux then you can install QuickMedia from aur (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/quickmedia-git/), otherwise you will need to first install [sibs](https://git.dec05eba.com/sibs/) and then run `./install.sh` as root.
## Controls
-Press `Arrow up` / `Arrow down` or `Ctrl+K` / `Ctrl+J` to navigate the menu and also to scroll to the previous/next image when viewing manga in scroll mode. Alternatively you can use the mouse scroll to scroll to the previous/next manga in scroll mode.\
-Press `Ctrl+Arrow left` / `Ctrl+Arrow right` or `Ctrl+H` / `Ctrl+L` or `Ctrl+Tab` / `Ctrl+Shift+Tab` to switch tab.\
-Press `Ctrl+1-9` to switch to the specified tab.\
-Press `Page up` to scroll up and entire page or `Page down` to scroll down an entire page.\
-Press `Home` to scroll to the top or `End` to scroll to the bottom.\
-Press `Enter` (aka `Return`) to select the item.\
-Press `ESC` to go back to the previous menu.\
-Press `ESC` or `Backspace` to close the video.\
-Press `Ctrl + D` to clear the input text.\
-Press `Ctrl + F` to switch between window mode and fullscreen mode when watching a video.\
-Press `Space` to pause/unpause a video.\
-Press `Ctrl + R` to show video comments, related videos or video channel when watching a video (if supported).\
-Press `Ctrl + T` when hovering over a manga chapter to start tracking manga after that chapter. This only works if AutoMedia is installed.\
-Press `Ctrl + T` when viewing a youtube channels page to subscribe to that channel or to unsubscribe.\
-Press `Enter` to only show the replied to messages and the replies in image board threads.\
-Press `Backspace` to return to the preview item when reading replies in image board threads.\
-Press `R` to paste the post number of the selected post into the post field (image boards).\
-Press `I` to begin writing a post to a thread (image boards), press `ESC` to cancel.\
-Press `1 to 9` or `Numpad 1 to 9` to select google captcha image when posting a comment on 4chan.\
-Press `P` to preview the 4chan image of the selected row in full screen view, press `ESC` or `Backspace` to go back.\
-Press `I` to switch between single image and scroll image view mode when reading manga.\
-Press `F` to fit image to window size when reading manga. Press `F` again to show original image size.\
-Press `Middle mouse button` to "autoscroll" in scrolling image view mode.\
-Press `Tab` to switch between username/password field in login panel or to switch between search and filename in download menu.\
-Press `Ctrl + C` to copy the url of the currently playing video to the clipboard (with timestamp).\
-Press `Ctrl + V` to paste the content of your clipboard into the search bar.\
-Press `Enter` to view image/video attached to matrix message, or to view the url in the message in quickmedia (youtube) or in the browser.\
-Press `I` to begin writing a message in a matrix room, press `ESC` to cancel.\
-Press `R` to reply to a message on matrix, press `ESC` to cancel.\
-Press `E` to edit a message on matrix, press `ESC` to cancel. Currently only works for your own messages.\
-Press `Ctrl + D` to delete a message on matrix.\
-Press `Ctrl + C` to copy the text of the selected item to the clipboard.\
-Press `U` in matrix or in a 4chan thread to bring up the file manager to choose a file to upload.\
-Press `Ctrl + V` to upload media to room in matrix if the clipboard contains a valid absolute filepath.\
-Press `Ctrl + D` to remove the file that was previously selected with `U` in a 4chan thread.\
-Press `Ctrl + I` to reverse image search the selected image on 4chan or matrix, or to select the url in the text to open in a browser.\
-Press `Alt+Arrow up` / `Alt+Arrow down` or `Ctrl+Alt+K` / `Ctrl+Alt+J` to view the room above/below the selected room in matrix.\
-Press `Ctrl + S` to save the selected/displaying image/video/audio (does currently not work for manga pages).\
-Press `Ctrl + Enter` to submit text, ignoring the selected item (when saving a file or selecting a server for matrix room directory).\
-Press `Ctrl + Enter` to save the file to the selected directory with the selected name, when downloading a file.
-Text input in 4chan/matrix can be navigated with the arrow keys and if ctrl is pressed then the caret moves word by word.
-In matrix you can select a message with enter to open the url in the message (or if there are multiple urls then a menu will appear for selecting which to open).
-## Matrix commands
+### General control
+Type text and then wait and QuickMedia will automatically search.\
+`Enter`: Go to the page in the selected item.\
+`Esc`: Go back to the previous page or close QuickMedia if there is no previous page.\
+`Arrow up`/`Ctrl+K`: Move up.\
+`Arrow down`/`Ctrl+J`: Move down.\
+`Ctrl+Arrow left`/`Ctrl+Alt+H`/`Ctrl+Shift+Tab`: Move left.\
+`Ctrl+Arrow right`/`Ctrl+Alt+L`/`Ctrl+Tab`: Move right.\
+`Ctrl+1 to 9`: Switch to the specified tab.\
+`Home`: Scroll to the top (the first item).\
+`End`: Scroll to the bottom (the last item).\
+`Page up`: Scroll up an entire page.\
+`Page down`: Scroll down an entire page.\
+`Ctrl+D`: Clear the input text.\
+`Ctrl+C`: Copy the text in the selected item to your clipboard.\
+`Ctrl+V`: Paste clipboard content into the search bar.\
+`Ctrl+I`: Select which url in the selected item to open in a browser.\
+### Video controls
+`mpv` controls apply in general, see https://mpv.io/manual/master/#interactive-control.\
+`Esc`/`Backspace`/`Q`: Close the video.\
+`Ctrl+F`: Toggle between fullscreen mode and window mode.\
+`Ctrl+R`: Show pages related to the video, such as comments, related videos or channel videos (if supported).\
+`Ctrl+S`: Save the video/music.\
+`Ctrl+C`: Copy the url of the currently playing video to the clipboard (with timestamp, if supported).
+### Youtube channel controls
+`Ctrl+T`: Subscribe/Unsubscribe from the channel.
+### Manga page view controls
+`Arrow up`/`Ctrl+K`: Go to the next page (or chapter if the current page is the last one).\
+`Arrow down`/`Ctrl+J`: Go to the previous page (or chapter if the current page is the first one).\
+`F`: Toggle between scaling the image to the window size or only down scaling if the image is too large.\
+`I`: Switch to scroll view.
+### Manga scroll view controls
+`Arrow up`/`Ctrl+K`: Move up.\
+`Arrow down`/`Ctrl+J`: Move down.\
+`Mouse scroll`/`Middle mouse click+Move mouse`: Smoothly scroll.\
+`F`: Toggle between scaling the image to the window size or only down scaling if the image is too large.\
+`I`: Switch to page view.
+### Manga chapters controls
+`Ctrl+T`: Start tracking the manga after the selected chapter ([AutoMedia](https://git.dec05eba.com/AutoMedia/) needs to be installed).
+### Matrix controls
+#### Chat page controls
+`I`: Start typing a message, `Esc` to cancel.\
+`R`: Start replying to the selected message, `Esc` to cancel.\
+`E`: Edit the selected message (if it was posted by you), `Esc` to cancel.\
+`Ctrl+D`: Delete the selected message (if it was posted by you).\
+`Enter`: View image/video attached to the message, or if its a file then download it. Brings up a list of urls in the selected item if there are any.\
+`Ctrl+I`: Reverse image search the selected image.\
+`Ctrl+S`: Save the selected file.\
+`Ctrl+V`: Uploads the file specified in the clipboard.\
+`U`: Bring up the file manager and select a file to upload to the room, `Esc` to cancel.\
+`Alt+Arrow up`/`Ctrl+Alt+K`: Select the room above the currently selected room.\
+`Alt+Arrow down`/`Ctrl+Alt+J`: Select the room below the currently selected room.\
+`Alt+Home`: Select the first room in the room list.\
+`Alt+End`: Select the last room in the room list.
+#### Message input controls
+`Esc`: Stop typing (also clears the input text).\
+`Enter`: Post message.\
+`Arrow up`: Go to the previous line.\
+`Arrow down`: Go to the next line.\
+`Arrow left`: Go to the previous character.\
+`Arrow right`: Go to the next character.\
+`Ctrl+Arrow left`: Go to the previous word.\
+`Ctrl+Arrow right`: Go to the next word.\
+`Ctrl+V`: Paste clipboard content into the message input.\
+`Ctrl+D`: Clear the input text.
+#### Server search page controls
+`Ctrl+Enter`: Use the server specified in the search input.\
+### 4chan thread controls
+`Enter`: Show the posts that the selected post replies to and the posts the replied to the selected post.\
+`Backspace`: Go back to the previously selected item after selecting it with `Enter`.\
+`P`: View image/video attached to the post. If the thread is a thread with videos, then all videos are played starting from the selected one.\
+`I`: Start typing a message, `Esc` to cancel.\
+`Enter`: Post message.\
+`R`: Add the selected post as a reply to the message.\
+`U`: Bring up file manager to choose which file should be uploaded, `Esc` to cancel.\
+`Ctrl+D`: Remove the selected file from the post.\
+`Ctrl+I`: Reverse image search the selected image or select an url to open in the browser.\
+`1 to 9`/`Numpad 1 to 9`: Select google captcha image when posting a comment on 4chan.\
+`Ctrl+S`: Save the image/video attached to the selected post.\
+### File save controls
+`Tab`: Switch between navigating the file manager and file name.\
+`Ctrl+Enter`/`Click on save`: Download the file.\
+`Esc`/`Click on cancel`: Cancel download.\
+## Matrix text commands
`/upload` to upload an image.\
`/logout` to logout.\
`/leave` to leave the current room.\
diff --git a/src/Tabs.cpp b/src/Tabs.cpp
index 6b8d948..35eccf5 100644
--- a/src/Tabs.cpp
+++ b/src/Tabs.cpp
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
void Tabs::on_event(sf::Event &event) {
if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.key.control && !tabs.empty()) {
- bool move_left = (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Left || event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::H);
+ bool move_left = (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Left || (event.key.alt && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::H));
move_left |= (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Tab && event.key.shift);
- bool move_right = (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Right || event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::L);
+ bool move_right = (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Right || (event.key.alt && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::L));
move_right |= (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Tab && !event.key.shift);
if(move_left) {