path: root/depends
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2025-03-10Fix rapidjson dependency using system rapidjson instead of embedded rapidjsonHEADmasterdec05eba
2025-03-04Convert to meson projectdec05eba
2024-09-14Update to latest mglpp versiondec05eba
2024-08-11dramacool: support asianload backend (fixes many videos), retry getting video...dec05eba
2024-08-11Update mglppdec05eba
2024-08-10Make libglx optional (alpine doesn't have it)dec05eba
2024-08-06Manga: convert webp images to png to make them viewabledec05eba
2024-06-27Add local_anime.sort_episodes_by_name config to allow sorting episodes differ...dec05eba
2024-05-09Fix build after gcc update (function pointer cast, missing algorithm header i...dec05eba
2024-03-05Fucking standard library c++ exceptiondec05eba
2024-01-08nvidia: flush on swap buffer (__GL_MaxFramesAllowed=1)dec05eba
2023-12-14Dont redirect invidious website to youtube (non video page), redirect invidio...dec05eba
2023-12-08Add class hint, wm name, window type, transient fordec05eba
2023-12-08Make dialog window a real dialog windowdec05eba
2023-10-05Update html parserdec05eba
2023-09-11Font config use correct path for absolute pathdec05eba
2023-08-25Add config option to set low latency modedec05eba
2023-08-25Dont enable low latency mode by default since it increases cpu usagedec05eba
2023-08-25Reduce latency (in mglpp, opengl hack)dec05eba
2023-07-09Set fps limit (even when vsync is enabled) for retards who disable vsync syst...dec05eba
2023-06-30Dont show spinning circle when thumbnail failed to loaddec05eba
2023-06-27XInternAtom create if not existsdec05eba
2023-06-27Update stb image, update stb image resizedec05eba
2023-06-25Youtube: force https protocol, fixes broken seek (and resume)dec05eba
2023-01-21text render bladec05eba
2023-01-17NyaaSi: add ctrl+t to track anime with automediadec05eba
2023-01-14Eliminate resize flicker by setting window gravity to NorthWestdec05eba
2023-01-14Improve resize performance when using a compositor by setting back pixel inst...dec05eba
2023-01-10Matrix: use room messages for notifications intead of notifications api (syna...dec05eba
2023-01-02Fix dramacool unable to find anything after selecting dramadec05eba
2022-12-20Revert clipboard lazydec05eba
2022-12-18Do lazy get clipboard version, get as much data as possible at once. This see...dec05eba
2022-12-18Attempt to do clipboard get property for large data (incr). Should fix clipbo...dec05eba
2022-12-11Fix pasting text from quickmedia to other applicationsdec05eba
2022-12-02Better layout for different font scaledec05eba
2022-11-11Matrix: fix accidentally reverted submodule fixesdec05eba
2022-11-11Support images in text, add custom emoji to matrixdec05eba
2022-11-08html parser: fix possible endless loop. Fixes matrix chat where parsing non-h...dec05eba
2022-11-08Fix emoji drawn outside border when max lines set, username autocomplete care...dec05eba
2022-11-07Formatted text with color in matrix, monospace for codeblocksdec05eba
2022-11-06Matrix/4chan: fix text input not being in order if typing text fast (for exam...dec05eba
2022-11-05Support as many emoji as possible, using separate emoji images in textdec05eba
2022-11-03Config: add option to set custom fonts without using system config (fontconfig)dec05eba
2022-10-13Remove myanimelist (unused code)dec05eba
2022-09-12Fix key/button state when window loses focus (check state on call to is_**_pr...dec05eba
2022-09-10Fix clipboard images for gnome screenshotdec05eba
2022-09-10Matrix: support uploading files from clipboard (direct image data, png, jpg, ...dec05eba
2022-09-04Add dramacooldec05eba
2022-09-04Do not segfault when the program is closed before the window is createddec05eba