BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRevert bitrate calculationdec05eba0 min.
4.2.5commit 953953eac7...dec05eba8 hours
4.2.4commit 422f214283...dec05eba14 days
4.2.3commit 10165977f6...dec05eba2 weeks
4.2.2commit eb602b9b53...dec05eba3 weeks
4.2.1commit 3e199f241a...dec05eba3 weeks
4.2.0commit 1e6866236d...dec05eba3 weeks
4.1.11commit 77364b7734...dec05eba6 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthor
8 hoursm4.2.5dec05eba
8 hours4.2.5dec05eba
8 hoursFix incorrect bitrate calculation for constant bitratedec05eba
4 daysUpdate issues linkdec05eba
7 daysMention opensusedec05eba
8 daysMention the new UIdec05eba
9 daysFix cursor position when scaling output with multiple monitors on monitor cap...dec05eba
10 daysAdd option to change output resolution (-s)dec05eba
11 daysAdd unofficial sources listdec05eba
12 daysRevert "Debug output temp"dec05eba