BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
master-overlapping-replay > -overlap-replaydec05eba9 hours
5.0.2commit 802067d1df...dec05eba9 hours
5.0.1commit bae0fdd949...dec05eba5 days
5.0.0commit 027b29cb6e...dec05eba4 weeks
4.3.5commit 3af2ea52c2...dec05eba7 weeks
4.3.4commit 0b9fe9a897...dec05eba7 weeks
4.3.3commit 8644c72ac9...dec05eba2 months
4.3.2commit 3489834204...dec05eba2 months
4.3.1commit 6e0f5413d9...dec05eba2 months
4.3.0commit 0ee68146a7...dec05eba2 months
4.2.6commit 74d30f16ad...dec05eba3 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
9 hours-overlapping-replay > -overlap-replayHEAD5.0.2masterdec05eba
10 hoursAdd version to --info outputdec05eba
10 hoursAdd -overlapping-replay option to clear replay buffer after a savedec05eba
5 daysmdec05eba
5 daysMesa check version
6 days5.0.1dec05eba
6 daysMention amd recording performance issuedec05eba
6 daysamd: disable vaapi surface copy unless mesa 2.3.4 is used, which fixes a perf...dec05eba
7 daysAdd -gl-debug option to make it easier to debug user issues that cant easily ...dec05eba
11 daysMention OpenMandriva packagedec05eba