BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
master5.2.0dec05eba8 hours
5.2.0commit 9bfeb95e39...dec05eba8 hours
5.1.3commit d9f61602d0...dec05eba3 days
5.1.2commit 42b1f8eacb...dec05eba6 days
5.1.1commit 015570ca75...dec05eba11 days
5.1.0commit cafcda1022...dec05eba5 weeks
5.0.3commit 8e267bb3b0...dec05eba5 weeks
5.0.2commit 802067d1df...dec05eba5 weeks
5.0.1commit bae0fdd949...dec05eba6 weeks
5.0.0commit 027b29cb6e...dec05eba9 weeks
4.3.5commit 3af2ea52c2...dec05eba3 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
8 hours5.2.0HEAD5.2.0masterdec05eba
22 hoursPipewire: auto change default_output/default_input connected nodes when the d...dec05eba
30 hoursAudio device capture: make default output/input switch recording source the d...dec05eba
3 days5.
3 daysHigher jpeg quality, we can afford thatdec05eba
3 daysFix merging audio with audio device and app audio where one audio device is a...dec05eba
4 daysChange jpeg quality parametersdec05eba
5 daysmdec05eba
5 daysUpdate READMEdec05eba
5 daysMake nvidia-smi run in flatpak on hostdec05eba